Okay, I’m going to share the end of the story first, which is this NYT job was unfortunately killed in the end so I don’t have the finalised illustration to show you however I still wanted to share the sketches and talk about a slightly unhappy ending but why it is also important and still worthy trying. It’s sad when assignment get killed and since I’m a nowhere near perfectionist but more like a client pleaser, I deeply tend to blame myself for not doing a good job. However, it is also good to be aware that it has got nothing to do with your ideas or sketches (or sometime it is) and sometimes the article gets killed or clients decide to change a direction or there’s someone who is a def better fit for the project than you’re and I know whatever the reason it might make you feel insecure but at the end of the day, you also have to remember that you’re considered and they thought of you, which I always appreciate it and if you’re considered once and do your best and I believe the client would recognise that and come back to you for another project in the future. Anyway, thanks again for the consideration and I’m hoping NYT will come back to me soon. :)